November 19, 2014

DeAgostini Ponders, “Fancy Yourself a Ship Builder?”


Every so often, when we receive word of an impending shipment, we troll the web in search of similar products our customers might be interested in. Yesterday, we learned that a new shipment of Eaglemoss warships were headed our way, which got us to thinking about some of their competitors in the warship space. In the case of DeAgostini, we discovered that they are offering a build-it-yourself, 1:250 scale version of the IJN aircraft carrier, Akagi. Measuring over a yard in length, and bearing incredible craftsmanship, this baby has got to be seen to be believed and will likely take several months to fully kit out.


For those of you looking to showcase their modelmaking capabilities, we invite you to view the accompanying video then pay a visit to the manufacturer’s web site at:

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