The Collectors Showcase Decides to Summer in Anzio

Italian SS Splash

In a departure of sorts, The Collectors Showcase took the wraps off of their latest World War II figure series – the Italian SS. The Waffen-Grenadier-Brigade der SS (Italienische Nr. 1), bettter known as the Legione SS Italiana, was created in November 1943, from 15,000 volunteers who began training at the Truppenubungsplatz Munsingen in Germany. In April 1944, three battalions fought against the Allied bridgeheads at Anzio and Nettuno with surprisingly good results, for which Heinrich Himmler, on May 3rd, 1944, allowed them to wear SS-Runes on black rather than red and be fully integrated into the Waffen SS. Look for this new five-piece figure set to defend the beaches at the end of August.

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