September 2015

Atlas Puts its Wolf Pack Tactics to Work


In WWII, German Grand Admiral Karl Doenitz developed what he called “Rudeltaktik” (Wolf Pack Naval Tactics) as a means of gathering up his scant undersea assets to hunt down and sink the Allied convoys bound for Great Britain. Atlas Editions is using much the same strategy for its growing fleet of submarine replicas, pulling together seven submarines for a September slugfest.


The list of submarines is quite varied, ranging from a French cruising submarine to a gigantic Imperial Japanese Navy I-401 aircraft carrying boat. The I-401 even has two stowed and one fully deployed float plane on its deck. Several German U-Boats, British subs and the first US Balao-class hunter killer are also coming into range, all designed to silently prey upon the military-themed, diecast collecting community. Dive, dive!

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Star Wars: The Force Awakens Merchandise

Force Awakens

As many of you already know, September 4th is when licensed Stars Wars vendors are allowed to discuss details concerning all of the new Star Wars-related merchandise connected with the upcoming feature film, Star Wars: The Force Awakens, scheduled to open on December 18th. As fate would have it, we are headed out-of-town this Friday, so we’re going to have to wait until next week to start listing all of The Force Awakens collectible products we intend to stock. Happily, you can find more information concerning the announcement here:

Remember, may the Force be with you.

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Google Trusted Store Surveys

Google Trusted Store 2

For the astute among you, you may have noticed that we have applied to become a Google Trusted Store, which means added benefits to both you, the customer, as well as us, the merchant. At the conclusion of an online order, a pop-up window will appear similar to the one shown here, which will allow you to submit a survey regarding your overall shopping experience. We would appreciate it if you could take the time out of your busy schedule and rate us for each of the questions posed by Google. High ratings, would, of course, be most welcome!

You can find more information regarding the program here:

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Century Wings Fleet of SR-71s Continues to Grow


Yes, Virginia, from time-to-time we do publish blog posts related to actual replicas. In the case of Century Wings, the Company has revealed photos of its upcoming Lockheed SR-71A Blackbird (CW001616). This version represents SSN #1-7958 “Ichi Ban”, which was attached to the 9th Strategic Reconnaissance Wing, then deployed out of Beale AFB, CA, during 1990.


Originally slated for an October touchdown, we’ve heard that it has now been delayed until November, and will feature slightly revised packaging than in the past. These aircraft typically sell out as soon as they arrive, particularly when they are expected during the height of the holiday season.


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