Looking to expand their foothold in the North American market, Atlas Editions will soon make available a quartet of new 1:43 scale military vehicles this October. On the land, expect to see a Willys jeep (ATL7123101), Italian Centauro Tank Destroyer (ATL7123112), USMC LAV-25 Piranha Light Armored Vehicle (ATL7123117), and Italian Fiat Iveco Oto Melara Type 6614 Armored Personnel Carrier (ATL7123117).

By sea, two German U-Boats will surface soon: a German Kriegsmarine Type VIC U-Boat – U-552, Germany, 1941 (ATL7169103) and a German Kriegsmarine Type XXI U-Boat – U-2540, Germany, 1945 (ATL7169105). The latter is, perhaps, the most coveted warship in the Atlas submarine series, since it represents the most advanced submarine ever to set sail with the Kriegsmarine.