At long last, Waltersons, the new owners of the Forces of Valor brand, has shed light on its production schedule for the balance of 2018. You can see firsthand which items are in the pipeline as well as their anticipated release dates by visiting their Facebook page. Frankly, we are going to add sixty days to the dates listed, thereby giving them a fair bit of leeway as they look to get each item into the marketplace given the sheer number of items they are looking to undertake, as well as the logistical issues they will likely face in the summer and autumn months.
Of note, the Company has announced plans to reproduce the Russian aircraft carrier, Admiral Kuznetnov, and their 1:16 scale Tiger I tank is still slated for a late 2018 release. Beginning with their 1:32 scale Sturmtiger, they also plan to offer model kits for much of their 1:32 scale line, so modellers can build, mod and paint them up any way they see fit. Several of their modern era 1:72 scale aircraft have been postponed, according to Waltersons, in order to add more metal content where needed and make other refinements to bring them up to current standards. In their place, the Company has resurrected several 1:72 scale twin-engine bombers, a number of 1:48 scale helicopters and even a few of their long out-of-stock 1:32 scale WWII era fighters, hopefully making some changes to each mold to address some of the shortcomings collectors have pointed out over the years. It would appear as if the Company plans to delve ever deeper into the model making business, by relaunching their 1:72 scale model kit line and, as pointed out earlier, creating a parallel business model whereby their 1:32 scale vehicles will be offered as pre-assembled replicas and un-built and unpainted models.
Over the next few days, we plan to digest and review the information just announced and make the necessary changes to our web site where applicable. The Japanese Shizuoka Hobby Show is just a week or so away, so we’re confident Waltersons will be making further product announcements and uploading imagery for many of their upcoming projects. Note: We are also updating our semi-regular newsletter to reflect those items expected in 2018, including any new additions gleaned from their recent update. Please do not get overly concerned if you do not see some items listed. They were likely pushed back into 2019 and therefore may wrongfully give our customers the impression that they are due out shortly.