April is notorious for being a dry month as far as new products go simply because of the effects of Chinese New Year, and its overall impact on the supply chain. That said, Modelcollect seems to have filled the hole nicely, with nine new vehicles expected to arrive mid month. The grouping includes:
AS72086 – T-80U Main Battle Tank – Russian Army, Biathlon, 2013
AS72087 – 128mm FLaK 40 with Kreuzlafette Mount – Germany, 1944, Grey
AS72088 – Set of Two Rheintochter Mobile Surface-to-Air Missiles – Germany, 1946
AS72089 – T-72AV Main Battle Tank – Soviet Army, 1980s
AS72090 – “Fist of War” German E-75 Ausf.Vierfuessler Heavy Panzer
AS72091 – BMP-3 Infantry Fighting Vehicle – Russian Army, Victory Day Parade, Moscow, 2010
AS72092 – T-90A Main Battle Tank – 2nd Guards Motor Rifle Division “Tamanskaya,” Russian Army, Victory Day Parade, Moscow, 2010
AS72093 – E-100 Super Heavy Tank with Krupp Turret – German Army, 1946, Three-Tone Camouflage
AS72094 – T-80UK Main Battle Tank – 4th Guards “Kantemirovskaya” Tank Division, Russian Army, Open Day, 2017

Of note is the first item in the Company’s Fist of War series, a pseudo-scientific proprietary range that seems to meld off-the-shelf military technology with strange futuristic applications. As usual, the cache also contains more derivatives of the T-72/T-80/T-90 main battle tanks, a category that seems to remain at the heart of Modelcollect’s model building passion. And, rounding out the cache are three more WWII-era items: an E-100 super heavy tank, a German 128mm FlaK 40 anti-aircraft gun and finally a pair of Rheintochter Mobile Surface-to-Air Missiles. Great value at great prices!