The Toy Association has created a pair of moving videos that are designed to raise awareness about the proposed 25% tariff on imported Chinese goods and its impending impact on the toy industry. We encourage you to both view and share these videos and pay a visit to the newly-created Don’t Tax Toys web site to voice your opinion and gain further insight on the tariff that will affect our industry shortly.
May 2019
Modelcollect Fields a Platoon of New Tanks for a June Ship

Modelcollect is shipping a quintet of new armored fighting vehicles for early June along with a mobile coastal defense missile launcher to keep the tread heads happy. Here’s what you can expect to add to your armored arsenal at the start of the new month:
AS72131 – German E-100 Waffentrager (Weapon Carrier) with 128mm Gun – Desert Camouflage, 1946 (1:72 Scale)
AS72133 – German E-50 Jagdpanzer with 105mm Gun – Winter Camouflage, 1946 (1:72 Scale)
AS72132 – German E-50 Jagdpanzer with 105mm Gun – Summer Camouflage, 1946 (1:72 Scale)
AS72138 – Russian T-90 Main Battle Tank – Camouflage (1:72 Scale)
AS72137 – Russian T-90 Main Battle Tank (1:72 Scale)
AS72130 – Russian Early Type MAZ Chassis with “Bal-E” Mobile Coastal Defense Missile Launcher and Kh-35 Anti-Ship Cruise Missiles (1:72 Scale)
The FOV Update: Panzers Rollen in Afrika Vor

So, its finally in stock. The Forces of Valor 88mm FLaK gun that is. We’ve been talking it up for months on end, lamenting the fact that we’ve had to wait an eternity for it to arrive. But here it is. On the downside, we’re headed out of town this Friday and won’t return for action until Tuesday, June 4th. So, if you have this item on pre-order with us, please check in to see if we have all of your billing details on file, which will enable us to get this item in the mail and into your hands ahead of our road trip.

It’s a beautiful item, and fitting way to kick off the re-launch of the Forces of Valor 1:32 scale military vehicle series. Its also the first vehicle in their Afrika Korps series, a line that Unimax, the previous owners of the Forces of Valor, seemed to overlook when they had the series. Panzers vorwarts!
The FOV Update: Differing Points of View

Before everyone heads off to enjoy their Memorial Day Weekend, I just wanted to touch base one more time regarding the revamped Forces of Valor range, discussing their differing philosophies both then and now and how it once again needs to be explained in detail to keep everyone informed. Back in 2002, when Unimax first burst onto the scene with their initial line up of Forces of Valor vehicles, we were instrumental in helping put them on the hobby map, advertising the line heavily in certain magazines and talking up the range as best we could so that they could gain traction as quickly as possible. In fact, I fondly remember meeting with the principals at Panache Place — then the distributor for the Forces of Valor range — when the line first debuted at Toy Fair here in New York City. I remember walking into their private offices with my partner, throwing down my winter coat on an unoccupied chair and telling them that they had an out-an-out winner on their hands even if they themselves didn’t know it as yet.
Over the course of the next decade or so, Unimax, the maker of the Forces of Valor products, contracted with a number of factories in China to produce the range, which initially came in two flavors; one designed for the mass market audience and was readily available at several Big Box stores including Toys ‘R US and Target, and a second, nearly identical range designed for the purist at heart. When the “action” range, as it was called, was passed over by the mass merchandisers, Unimax was faced with a dilemma; end the line or continue to produce it in far fewer numbers so that it was still financially feasible to make. They chose the latter course of action, looking to appease the collector even in the face of rising labor costs and oftentimes being shunted from one factory to the next who were looking to make widgets in the tens of thousands rather than a few hundred Tiger tanks at a time. As costs rose, the manufacturer slowly diluted the product to keep it affordable, stripping away much of each vehicle’s metal content, removing various accessories and even thinning out the cardboard carton each vehicle came in to make it as light as possible. Despite all these cost-cutting moves, however, the line began to languish and the owner, who was now closing in on 70 years of age, decided it was time to call it a day and pursue other interests he had long been delaying.
Fast forward several years to the present day, with Waltersons, the new caretakers of the line, now in control. Waltersons was keenly aware of the problems faced by Unimax at the end of their tenure and was determined not to repeat these mistakes. For starters, all manufacturing was brought in-house so they could better control the quality of each item as well as lower their production costs. Second, they reviewed all of the existing molds, looking to improve each inside and out and bring them up to today’s standards. This process has taken a bit longer than was originally forecast, but as you can now see, their toils have been well worth the effort.
The problem, as I see it though, is that many collectors, familiar with the original line, are still expecting to hold the current manufacturer up to the same rigorous production schedule and lowered standards that satisfied their earlier appetite, something Waltersons is not prepared to do. Waltersons’ aim is to produce the very best replica possible, even if means keeping the collector at arm’s length for extended periods of time and dealing with grumbling collectors who sometimes don’t know when to leave things be. I just want to remind everyone that at the end of the day, these are still toys; they aren’t loaves of bread feeding the impoverished masses or medication designed to keep the ill alive. So, when you place your orders for items that may not be available for some time, please bear this in mind and try to remain as patient as possible. Complaining that such-and-such item still isn’t available does no one any good. If its that important to you, build a model or have someone make it for you. You may find that by doing so, you’ll recognize how tough it is to make a realistic model at an affordable price while facing the vagaries of international trade and social media abuse. Its tough to make it in today’s world and sometimes we need to be nudged and reminded of this fact even if we don’t like to hear it.
Stay safe and have a great weekend!
Films in Focus: Star Trek: Picard
Earlier today, Trekkies were treated to the first teaser trailer for the upcoming sci-fi series, Star Trek: Picard. Set fifteen years after the events put forth in Star Trek: The Next Generation, the trailer is devoid of special effects and hi-tech imagery, and instead takes a close-up look at what Admiral Picard has been doing in the wake of leaving The Federation. No official date has yet been set for the series debut on the pay-to-play network, CBS All Access.
Films in Focus: The Cold Blue
With Game of Thrones having run its course, some of you may be contemplating cancelling your HBO subscription. Before you do, you may want to wait for The Cold Blue, an all-new documentary that focuses on the US bombing campaign over Europe during WWII. Directed by Erik Nelson and featuring newly restored footage shot by Oscar-winning director William Wyler, The Cold Blue is a meditation on youth, war and trauma, and a tribute to one of the world’s great filmmakers and the men of the Eighth Air Force. The Cold Blue is scheduled to air on Thursday, June 6th.
The FOV Update: Lighting Conditions

Earlier this week, we discussed how, beginning with their upcoming T-34/85 medium tank, Waltersons, the new owners of the Forces of Valor brand, has developed a method by which they can slightly alter the exterior color of a vehicle to reflect differing lighting conditions. As a result, we have begun making this option available to our customers when they order the vehicle in question. While we await manufacturer-supplied photos that demonstrate the differences between a vehicle operating under both day- and night time lighting conditions, we have enabled this option on the product’s ordering page. Please take a moment to review this change since it will affect other vehicles in the range that are produced going forward. We aren’t certain if these lighting effects will be applied to any upcoming artillery and anti-aircraft guns, so we have decided not to enable this option for them.

In other news, our distributor reports that they have finally received the 88mm FLaK gun. We should be receiving our shipment by the middle of next week.
Lastly, we do not have firm release dates for those items still showing as in the production queue by Waltersons. These dates are still notional at best and based upon conversations with our distributor and manufacturer. Item staging and run completion are two separate and unrelated milestones. Moreover, just because the manufacturer is indicating that an item has completed production does not mean it will be available in the North American market within weeks. Typically, distributors look to reduce their overseas shipping costs by waiting until they can fill a container, thereby making it more economical particularly if the proposed tariffs go into effect. So, they may wait until several items are available en masse, before signing off on a shipment bound for the US. That said, the next large shipment will likely occur some time this summer, after the Sherman Firefly, Jagdpanther and T-34/85 tanks are all completed and available for shipment at one time.
Hobby Master Puts the “Boo” in October’s Sonic Boom

Hobby Master’s Russian Mikoyan Gurevich MiG-29C ‘Fulcrum’ Fighter – “White 51”, Borisoglebsk Training Center, Summer 2001
The folks at Hobby Master have been busy as bees of late, posting imagery for several of their upcoming projects as well as debuting a gaggle of new warbirds due out this October. Perhaps the most noteworthy new addition to the Hobby Master hangar is a MiG-29 Fulcrum multirole fighter, clad in a post Soviet Union break up scheme from 2001. “White 51” as its known, was attached to the Borisoglebsk Training Center, which plays host to the Borisoglebsk Higher Military Aviation School of Pilots, designed to train up would be fliers on the latest Russian aircraft.
Also slated to arrive this October are the following items:
HG5005 – German Sd. Kfz. 7 8-Ton Personnel Carrier / Prime Mover – SS-924015, “Marta”, 1.SS Panzer Division Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler ‘LSSAH’ (1:72 Scale)
HG5208 – British Cruiser A34 Comet Mk. IV Tank – T335293, “Arrogant”, Queens Own Hussars, Berlin Brigade, 1960 (1:72 Scale)
HA3112 – USAF Convair F-102 Delta Dagger Interceptor – 0-61409, Florida Air National Guard, 1960s (1:72 Scale)
HA7743A/B – USAAF North American P-51D Mustang Fighter – Captain Abner M. Aust, Jr., 457th Fighter Squadron, 506th Fighter Group, Iwo Jima, 1945 (1:48 Scale)
HA7744A/B – USAAF North American P-51D Mustang Fighter – “Hon Mistake”, 1st Lt. William G. Ebersole, 462th Fighter Squadron, 506th Fighter Group, Iwo Jima, 1945 [Signature Edition] (1:48 Scale)
HA4558 – USAF Boeing F-15D Eagle Multi-Role Fighter – 78-0567, 65th Aggressor Squadron, 57th Wing, 2012 (1:72 Scale)
HA5007 – US Navy Northrop Grumman EA-6B Prowler Electronic Warfare Aircraft – 163890/AJ502, VAQ-134 “Garudas”, June 2015 “US Navy Farewell Scheme” (1:72 Scale)
HA4516 – USAF Boeing F-15C Eagle Multi-Role Fighter – 82-0023 “Maloney’s Pony”, 27th Tactical Fighter Squadron, 1st Tactical Fighter Wing, 1991 (1:72 Scale)
HA4419 – USAF Lockheed-Martin F-35A Lightning II Joint Strike Fighter – 15-5194, 466th Fighter Squadron “Diamondbacks”, 419th Fighter Wing, October 2018 [Low-Vis Scheme] (1:72 Scale)
HA6501 – Russian Mikoyan Gurevich MiG-29C ‘Fulcrum’ Fighter – “White 51”, Borisoglebsk Training Center, Summer 2001 (1:72 Scale)
HA5706 – Russian Sukhoi Su-35 “Flanker-E” Multirole Fighter – 901, MAKS-2007 Airshow, Zhukovskij, August 2007 (1:72 Scale)
HA5226 – US Navy Grumman F-14B Tomcat Fleet Defense Fighter – 162911, VF-24 “Fighting Renegades”, USS Nimitz (CVN-68), 1989 [Low-Vis Scheme] (1:72 Scale)
HA6303 – Russian Sukhoi Su-34 “Fullback” Strike Fighter – “Bort #10”, Oleg Peshkov Commemorative Scheme, August 2016 (1:72 Scale)
HA0211 – USN Douglas SBD-2 Dauntless Dive-Bomber – CDR Howard Young, Commander of the Enterprise Air Group, Pearl Harbor, Hawaii (1:32 Scale)
The Forces of Valor Update

Waltersons’ 1:24 scale Radio Controlled US M1A2 Abrams Main Battle Tank – Tri-Color Camouflage
We’ve been having some interesting private discussions with the powers that be at Waltersons, the new owners of the Forces of Valor brand. From a production standpoint, they have a number of projects in the works that we have already touched upon in previous Forces of Valor updates so there is no sense in rehashing old conversations.

Waltersons’ Forces of Valor Radio Controlled US M26 Pershing Heavy Tank
What we have learned is that beginning with their upcoming 1:32 scale T-34/85 medium tank, the Company plans to offer at least one pair of slightly differing paint schemes that portrays the vehicle in question under different lighting conditions. So, one tank might appear slightly lighter with gun metal grey tracks while another, still representing a vehicle from the same unit and battle, could appear a bit darker and with more muddied tracks, suggesting it may have seen action that day and has now been withdrawn during the early evening hours for rest and refit. We’re not sure if they plan to assign separate SKUs to each scheme, which would help to keep things straight from an ordering and inventory perspective, or include them in each master carton without any further fanfare. Once we have photos of the vehicles, thereby showing them side-by-side, we will have a better idea as to how they wish to proceed and offer them to the buying public at-large with more precise information. Earlier, we had suggested they think about including one “chase” vehicle in each master carton, which would differ slightly from the other vehicles and thereby command a somewhat higher price in the secondary market
On other fronts, the four original 1:24 scale radio controlled tanks should be in stock by the end of next week, barring any unforeseen issues. Some time towards the end of the summer, this assortment will be bolstered by a M26 Pershing tank as well as an M1A2 Abrams tank clad in a tri-color camouflage scheme. Years ago, a desert sand M1A1 Abrams was sold by Unimax, so this new version is not only painted differently but reflects a more updated main battle tank. Also in the offing is a MLRS, which will probably make it to market later in the year.
No new information was provided regarding their rotary- and fixed wing aircraft, although that doesn’t necessarily mean that work has come to a stand still. The Company does recognize, however, that their most popular lines continue to be their 1:32 and 1:16 scale military vehicles, so its entirely possible that their current efforts are being directed towards getting these into the market ahead of some of their other ancillary lines.
Four More Warbirds Join the Atlas Fighter Sweep

The Atlas Fighters of World War II series got a boost with four new aircraft joining the aerial assault. The following warbirds are expected in late May, so check ’em out now if you want to be the first to add them to your collection:
ATL7896001 – German Messerschmitt Bf 109F-4/Tropical Fighter – Hans Joachim Marseille, 3./Jagdgeschwader 27, North Africa, 1942 (1:72 Scale)
ATL7896024 – US Navy Chance-Vought F4U-1A Corsair Fighter – Ira Kepford, VF-17 “Jolly Rogers”, 1944 (1:72 Scale)
ATL7896028 – USAAF Lockheed P-38L Lightning Interceptor – “Pudgy (V),” Thomas McGuire, 431st Fighter Squadron, 475th Fighter Group, 1945 (1:72 Scale)
ATL7896029 – German Heinkel He 219A-0 “Uhu” Night Fighter – Werner Streib, Nachtjagdgeschwader 1, June 1943 (1:72 Scale)
As usual, each model is priced at only $24.99, making them ideal introductions to the aviation market and great gifts for that special someone looking to get into the hobby.