Ever since we started accepting AmazonPay a couple of years ago, we’ve realized that Amazon has become one of the more progressive voices in the world of e-commerce. Now they are literally as well as figuratively looking to put their money where their mouth is. This year, Amazon plans to roll out voice communications and specialized vocal commands for prospective customers interested in placing orders with select merchants. So, instead of having to enter loads of information by hand or over the phone, shoppers will be able to use their Alexa-enabled devices to check on their existing orders as well as place new orders at any time of day or night. This will no doubt simplify the order-taking process and should make things easier for those shoppers that may not speak English as their primary language.
Next week, we will be attending an Amazon-hosted webinar that seeks to spell out the process in detail and hopefully provide dates as to when the system will be rolled out to merchants and customers alike. Once we feel confident that it is working as advertised, we will provide further details and go from there. Start testing your vocal chords!