While other modelmakers still seem to be recovering from the effects brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic, Panzerkampf seems to be stoking the diecast fires, announcing an ever widening array of diecast products for the months ahead. This week, for instance, the Company announced plans to replicate the Russian Kurgenats-25 infantry fighting vehicle in 1:72 scale, thereby adding yet another new vehicle to the pantheon of Russian armor first debuted a few years ago at the Moscow Victory Day Parade. The Kurgenats-25 is a tracked, 25-ton modular infantry fighting vehicle and armored personnel carrier being developed for the Russian Army. The Kurganets-25 will evolve into various models, gradually replacing BMP, BMD, MT-LB and other types of tracked Soviet armored platforms. The Kurganets-25 will have modular armor that can be upgraded for specific threats. Two variants of the Kurgenats-25 are initially being offered: the Object 693 is the armored personnel version and bears the insignia used during the Moscow Victory Day Parade while the Object 695 comes equipped with four Kornet-EM guided missiles and is painted in a camouflage scheme.

Additionally, the Company intends to bring out two versions of the WWII-era KV-220-2 heavy tank, a vehicle that never entered into mass production but was seen as one potential antidote to the growing array of German armor massed along Russia’s European borders prior to the run-up to Operation Barbarossa. Previously, the Company showcased their KV-3 heavy tank, which should be rolling in shortly, so the impending release of the KV-220 tank made sense from a design standpoint. Other combat vehicles are expected to be announced shortly, along with a dizzying array of additional aircraft, helicopters and who knows what else they have in the pipeline. Keep an eye on Panzerkampf as they continue to gain traction in the diecast military space.