Now that we have a better handle as to when we can expect to take receipt of several product lines we are once again moving forward with our print advertising campaign, something we have typically done since our inception way back in 2000. The first ad, scheduled to appear in the spring issue of Military Heritage magazine, will feature both the Warbirds of World War II as well as the brand new Legendary Warships of World War II.
Next up is the June issue of World War II History, which will include all of the latest 1:32 scale Forces of Valor vehicles released to date. And last, but certainly not least, is the August issue of World War II History magazine. This issue will be the first time we are advertising the AFV’s of World War II range. Due to its delayed release, the ad will not only encompass the first six vehicles released to date but will also highlight the next six tanks in the series, bringing the total shown to 12 vehicles. Down the road, we will more than likely feature additional vehicles in the series. All three ads are designed to bring new blood into the hobby, showcase our extensive product portfolio, and cast a spotlight on several important lines that help to form the ever-evolving heart of the military diecast market. We hope you enjoy the fruits of our labors. Thumbnails for each ad can be found within our Advertising link.