So, I’m officially exhausted. Between all of the new Forces of Valor arrivals, receipt of a huge Hobby Master shipment and, if I may, off-the-charts sales on both our website and marketplace channels, its likely going to take us a couple of days for me to fully recover. Frankly, its a good thing another snow storm is bearing down on our neck of the woods this weekend, which will give me time to take a shower, shave and take stock of everything that has gone on around us. At least that’s my plan.
Why do I bring this up? For starters, I just wanted to thank everyone for holding off sending us missives asking about the status of their Forces of Valor order. As I alluded to previously, its counterproductive for us to take time out and respond to everyone’s query. Because of this, we’ve gotten out all of the tank and aircraft shipments and are now down to a handful of metal track orders, all of which will go out on Saturday. Afterwards, once I’ve downed a few cups of coffee, taken my meds and fed the hound, I’ll begin posting another set of eBay listings for the rest of the products contained within the January/February Hobby Master shipment. Expect them to show up on the Bay by Monday morning.
Lastly, we just received the Hobby Master November release list, which, as we fully expected, contains a number of items directly connected to the current situation in Ukraine. The most notable is the so-called “Ghost of Kyiv” MiG-29 fighter, which is decked out in a handsome digitized winter camouflage scheme. This could well be the best selling aircraft model of 2022, so we’ll do our best to list it first, followed by a scintillating Ukrainian Su-25 “Frogfoot” ground attack aircraft, then address the rest of the new announcements in due course. These should all be up and available for pre-order by Saturday evening. I urge you to place your pre-orders as soon as possible, so we have a fairly good idea how many we need to order from our distributor.
If I have any further thoughts, I’ll update this post over the weekend, once I’ve had a good night’s sleep and gotten my bearings. In the meantime, many of you should be receiving their FOV orders and I certainly hope the product was worth the extended wait. While I may have some reservations about how they conduct business, they happen to make awesome replicas and that is what this hobby is all about.