As we get ready for our two-week shut down, we thought it made sense to provide one last look at things prior to us jetting off. For openers, everything expected in late May has now been pushed into early June, in part because we aren’t going to be around to take in the merchandise.

Several companies have seemingly delayed the release of their May shipments, the most notable being Hobby Master. Unless things change, the May shipment has now been delayed until either the first or second week of June and its a good bet that the June allotment will be shunted into July. Typically, sales tend to slow down around this time of year, so there’s no rush to take in goods that will likely sit on warehouse shelves for several weeks running until demand picks up.

The next batch of Forces of Valor items is currently slated for a late June or early July arrival, although this could change based upon the whims of the manufacturer. That’s a bit problematic for us since we are starting to run low on several of their recently introduced 1:32 scale vehicles. Rather amazingly, their winter mottled Tiger I tank is catching up in sales with their “Cobra King” Sherman Jumbo tank, which means we will likely have to place yet another re-order for this fan favorite. Several are being shipped overseas, despite the huge shipping costs associated with mailing out an oversized item to parts outside of CONUS. This usually means that international distributors are having a hard time sourcing the vehicle, and, rather reluctantly, consumers would rather bear any cost in acquiring the vehicle from a well-stocked US retailer rather than having it slip through their fingers.
Likewise their desert sand over-sprayed Tiger I tank is currently out-of-stock and won’t be available again until either late June or early July. Released several months prior to the winter camouflaged Tiger, there likely isn’t all that many pieces still available at the factory level before it sells out. So, if you plan to own every version of their Tiger tank — and let’s face it, who doesn’t — you can still submit an order at our MAP level price before it starts to rise in value or quite possibly lands in the vaunted Force of Valor Hall of Fame.

According to our US distributor representing the line, a new cache of Panzerkampf products is slated to arrive at their warehouse this week. Obviously, we’ve asked them to hold our shipment until we get back in the saddle again. Most of the items are re-stocks, although we’ve learned that their T-14 Armata main battle tank in a May Day victory parade scheme is included in the load. So too is their M1A2 Abrams main battle tank in a NATO woodlands camouflage scheme. If anyone is interested, we have therefore modified our M1070/Abrams combo pack to reflect the fact that both vehicles now come in the exact same palette from head-to-toe.

It would appear as if a number of key Corgi aircraft are scheduled to show in the June/Jule time frame. Its a bit of a hit-or-miss proposition to determine exactly which models will arrive ahead of all the others, so we strongly suggest monitoring our Corgi Aviation Archive section to check for any updates. The likely candidates rolling off the assembly line are their latest Messerschmitt Bf 109 in an Italina scheme, along with their newest Supermarine Spitfire since these are being headlines in Corgi’s most recent Diecast Diaries.

Air Force 1 is showing renewed signs of vigor with several new models pegged for a third quarter fly-in. Admittedly no new toolings have been shown thus far, although there’s quite a few long sold out models that are being pressed back into service in time to make it under the tree this Christmas. To be specific, three new P-61 Black Widows are in the offing as is a trio of SR-71 Blackbirds, as well are a pair of Su-57 Felon fifth generation fighters. We’re hoping that their hot-selling 1:72 scale B-17 Flying Fortresses will also be added to the fleet but we’re also well aware that time is running out if they are to get the go signal for the holidays.

Although we have nothing solid to go by, we are presuming that the next Dragon shipment will probably occur in July. We based this expectation on the frequency we receive their product, which, at present, occurs every two to three months. We realize this isn’t exactly positive news to go by if you’re an ardent Dragon collector, but ever since the manufacturer closed up shop in North America a few years back we have had to rely upon one of our distributors to bring in their merchandise. So, even though Dragon might indicate that a handful of vehicles are available through their web site for several months running, we must wait until they survive their trans-oceanic journey to America to begin doling them out.

Precision Model Art (commonly referred to as PMA) seems to have dropped off of the diecast radar. No new models have been announced and even their web site appears to be AWOL over the last few months. The distributor representing this line has been trying to hail them on an open frequency without much luck so the Company may have gone temporarily dormant or quite possibly decided to throw in the towel in the wake of COVID. Either way we hope to have a definitive answer this summer. Needless to say if they decided to close up shop what we have in inventory will likely be all that remains of this once proud model maker.
That’s pretty much it for now. We’re still pushing out product as fast as orders come in, although Monday the 22nd will be the last day we plan to get orders into the The Motor Pool slip stream. Otherwise the soonest the next batch of outbound orders is earmarked for shipping is June 9th. So, until you hear from us otherwise, we wish you a wonderful Memorial Day weekend and a scintillating start to the summer. Enjoy!