August 11, 2024

Tales of Transparency: Delivery Delays

We understand how frustrating it can be to place an order only to have to wait months on end for its arrival. That said, we play no part in the manufacture nor the distribution of any of the items we sell. While we may offer advice to several of the major players in the hobby regarding what to produce based upon our prior selling experience, we are simply a retailer based in Florida. We do not visit the manufacturers, many of whom are either located in Hong Kong or Bangladesh. We have no affiliation with any of the manufacturers or distributors we work with despite what some may tell you.

From time to time, we ask the manufacturers and distributors when we can expect to receive an item. If they tell us February, then its February, and we post it to our web site. If it slips to April, only to slip again for several months running, then we update our site accordingly and go from there. Again, we have no control over their inability to properly forecast when an item will return to stock. Sometimes customs can slow down the arrival of a shipment. Sometimes cargo ships get re-routed for whatever reason. Occasionally, a distributor may hold up a shipment so that they can consolidate merchandise with other merchandise that may have just been completed, thereby reducing their shipping costs.

Bear in mind too that this is a relatively small industry as compared to say the toy or video game industry. These are collectibles made in relatively small batches for worldwide consumption and as such are handled by a relatively few distributors faced with their own set of challenges. These aren’t GI Joe figures made in the hundreds of thousands or video games that can be uploaded to Steam then downloaded around the world in the blink of an eye. In many ways, the distribution of said products are handled in the same manner as they were decades ago, shipped to retailers such as ourselves via UPS or FedEx who face their own set of daily challenges that can include inclement weather, work stoppages and traffic issues.

Remember, you are always free to contact the manufacturer and/or the distributor yourself if you feel you are getting the run-around from a dealer. Its 2024, and most of the companies have web sites that include a Contact Us link, where you can message them directly. While some are located in Asia and occasionally their English may need tweaking, these companies make it their business to respond professionally with whatever information is at hand. They want to make you happy but oftentimes they themselves may be working with old or outdated data. Be mindful of the fact that they are 12-hours behind us — or 12-hours ahead of us, depending upon your outlook.

So, as we start to head into the back half of the calendar year, please be mindful of the fact that patience is a virtue and everyone in the supply chain is doing their utmost to get product into your hands in the most expeditious manner possible. Yes, it can be frustrating, but its oftentimes just as frustrating for us as we do our best to provide you with accurate and timely information. Thank you.

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Hobby Master Resumes Service

Late last week we heard from the new distributor of the Hobby Master line who indicated that they have received the long-delayed June shipment of Hobby Master products. They expect to begin sending out product to their distributor network early this week. Fortuitously, several previously sold out models were also included in the cache, such as HA9304, a USAF McDonnell RF-101C Voodoo Reconnaissance Aircraft that was piloted by Captain Robert M. Sweet, who was attached to the 363rd Tactical Reconnaissance Wing, and conducting “Operation Sun Run”, on November 27th, 1957, as well as HA2214, a US Navy Curtiss SB2C Helldiver ASW Aircraft that was attached to VB-83, then embarked upon the USS Essex (CV-9) during April 1945. We’ve updated our web site accordingly and welcome the news that certain sold out items will again become available. They also indicated that the July shipment of Hobby Master products, which was originally scheduled to arrive along with the June shipment, is now pegged for a September arrival. In turn, the August shipment will most probably land in October until both the manufacturer and distributor have caught up with all of the previously announced releases.

Besides several back ordered items, the June shipment has some notable aircraft included, among them Colonel Robin Olds’ F-101C Voodoo when he was deployed to Europe as part of the USAF’s 92nd Tactical Fighter Squadron “Skulls”, 81st Tactical Fighter Wing, then deployed to RAF Bentwaters, England, during 1964. Olds was certainly a colorful airman, earning ace status in both World War II and again in the Vietnam War, and was instrumental in retraining our air force squadrons deployed to Vietnam to better deal with the North Vietnamese Air Force.

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