September 5, 2024

Product Spotlight: Green with Envy

The Martin B-26 Marauder is an American twin-engined medium bomber that saw extensive service during World War II. The B-26 was built at two locations: Baltimore, Maryland, and Omaha, Nebraska, by the Glenn L. Martin Company. First used in the Pacific Theater of World War II in early 1942, it was also used in the Mediterranean Theater and in Western Europe.

After entering service with the United States Army aviation units, the aircraft quickly received the reputation of a “widow maker” due to the early models’ high accident rate during takeoffs and landings. This was because the Marauder had to be flown at precise air speeds, particularly on final runway approach or when one engine was out. The unusually high 150 mph (241 km/h) speed on short final runway approach was intimidating to many pilots who were used to much slower approach speeds, and when they slowed to speeds below those stipulated in the manual, the aircraft would often stall and crash.

Martin B-26B-15-MA Marauder 41-31576/AN-Z ‘Dinah Might’, was given the important task of leading an anti-beach fortification raid against Widerstandsnest 5 (which means ‘nest of resistance’, or ‘strong point’) overlooking Utah beach. The raid happened only a couple of minutes before the landing craft released their troops on their assigned beaches on D-Day itself, one of the final missions to take place before the landings.

Flown by Major David Dewhurst, the experienced Commander of the 553rd Bomb Squadron, US 8th Air Force, this was one final opportunity to neutralize German defensive fortifications, therefore giving Allied troops a better chance of making it off their assigned landing beach in the terrifying hours to come.

Dewhurst’s aircraft, which was named ‘Dinah Might’ after a Bing Crosby tune of the day, released its bombs at exactly 06.24.30 on D-Day, with navigation and timing critical to the success of the mission and the safety of the men waiting to make their historic seaborne assault.

The details behind this final bombing raid of D-Day clearly illustrate why the Utah Beach D-Day Museum elected to finish their preserved Marauder in this historic scheme and why it forms such a poignant center piece for their impressive museum.

‘Dinah Might’s’ target on that fateful morning in June 1944 was only meters from where this magnificent preserved aircraft is displayed today, even though it’s actually only a representation of that famous wartime aircraft.

“Dinah Might” is currently en route to us and should be ready for immediate shipment by the middle of September.

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Panzerkampf Sounds the Jericho Trumpets

One of the most iconic aircraft of the Second World War was the Junkers Ju-87 Stuka dive-bomber. Responsible for providing aerial support for advancing Wehrmacht forces in both the east and west during the early stages of the War, the Stuka was regarded by many as an integral part of the Blitzkrieg that, when taken in conjunction with armor, motorized forces and artillery, were responsible for overrunning much of Europe.

Recognizing its importance to collectors and historians alike, Panzerkampf decided to pay tribute to the Stuka with an array of 1:72 scale replicas, all of which are expected before the year is out. Thus far, four versions are in the hopper, and we’re certain that more are in the offing as is customary with this manufacturer. Interestingly, Panzerkampf has included them within their Panzerkampf range as opposed to their budget-minded Legion line because they are new toolings created from scratch as opposed to previously released builds that may have been developed by other entities. That said, here’s a pictorial of what we know thus far.

Rumor has it that the Company has been looking at expanding their WWII aircraft range by offering a Henschel Hs 129 “Panzerknacker” ground attack aircraft. The Henschel Hs 129 saw combat in Tunisia and on the Eastern Front.

A key requirement of the original specification was that the aircraft be powered by engines that were not in demand for other designs. Prototypes with low-power German Argus As 410 engines of 465 PS (459 hp; 342 kW) failed acceptance test, a more powerful replacement was found with the French Gnome-Rhone 14M engine of 700 PS (690 hp; 515 kW).

The design was relatively effective when it was first introduced, and saw service on the Eastern Front in a variety of front-line roles. As the war continued and anti-tank support became the main goal, the aircraft was continually up-gunned, eventually mounting a 75 mm anti-tank gun. Only a small number of these B-3 models were produced, late in the war. Production ceased in September 1944.

The Hs 129 would be a good choice for this fledgling aircraft manufacturer since there have been relatively few examples produced to date by just a handful of lesser known companies that have utilized the same mold over and over again. Bear in mind that as the industry matures and more manufacturers enter the fray, choices such as this help to ensure that the manufacturer is charting a path of profitability by selecting subjects few companies have addressed to-date. Given the number of aircraft that took part in the War and the wide appeal of WWII-era machines of war, there are still plenty of warplanes still crying out for replicas to be made. Twin-engined aircraft such as the Russian Pe 2 dive-bomber, Japanese Betty bomber and Grumman F9F Tigercat spring to mind and would make for obvious choices, provided, of course, sales were strong for their initial offerings and they build a loyal following. In any event, its refreshing to see them explore their options by introducing historically accurate models at truly affordable prices.

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