Earlier today, Dragon announced two more new vehicles that will join their Neo Dragon Armor line. The newest of the new are both M103A2 heavy tanks, immensely powerful vehicles that served our country well if for a short period of time during the Cold War. While Dragon is indicating that these vehicles will be available in September we will more than likely stock them towards the end of this year.
Which brings me to the real purpose of this post. When Dragon Models USA closed their doors last year, it created a void in the marketplace whereby product was still being made by Dragon Models but not being stocked by any distributor here in North America. We had the opportunity to import the line ourselves but declined because we are unable to store that much new product to make it worth our while. A month or so ago, one distributor did decide to step up to the plate and will be importing the Neo Dragon Armor range into North America. Because they must purchase the product in larger lots so they can fill a container, we fully expect that it could be some time before they are able to fill each new container with the latest product. More likely, they will be bringing in merchandise once per quarter, based, in large part, upon what is ready in Asia at the time they are placing their order. Of course, should the manufacturer decide to delay the release of new product, then this will have a detrimental effect on when the latest new items will actually reach our shores. Hopefully this won’t occur too often but I thought you might want to take notice of this should there be extended delays from here on out.