Recently we had an issue with a customer concerning our free shipping option. Several months ago, said customer placed an order calling for three Panzerkampf MiG-19s, none of which were in-stock and clearly marked as pre-order merchandise. The order was submitted to us late at night so we could not review it to see if we could accept it as it stood. When the first MiG arrived, we shipped it to him at a considerably reduced price to console him. But when the next MiG arrived, and we attempted to adjust the price he became indignant, basically accusing us of everything in the book because he wasn’t getting his way. Needless to say the customer misinterpreted the offer when we would not fulfill his order as he saw fit. There’s some other things that occurred that I won’t comment on publicly that raised an eyebrow so we blocked him from making any further purchases from us. Clearly no amount of explaining was going to correct the situation
So let’s back track for a moment and do our best to explain how the offer works. Our free shipping promotion clearly states that all of the merchandise on your order must be in-stock and ready for immediate shipment. It does not mean that any order of $250 or more qualifies for the discount nor does it mean we will break up an order calling for multiple items to be shipped out over an extended period of time since our shipping costs will go up exponentially, quite possibly wiping out whatever profit we are making on the order. We’ve gone back and edited the Free Shipping option so that it clearly states “All Items Must be In-Stock” to qualify for the discount. I’m certain we will still get orders submitted to us that fails to abide by the terms of sale but at least we made a yeoman effort attempting to make things as clear as possible.
We appreciate your consideration in this matter and hope we have made the matter as clear, concise and understandable to avoid further confusion. Thank you.