Typically, as the holiday season draws to a close, we take stock of what items are still expected to arrive by year’s end, all in an effort to provide the greatest selection of merchandise available even after the holidays have come and gone. This year, we still have quite a few re-stocks and new items scheduled to show up in the waning weeks of 2023 and into the New Year, many of which people have been waiting for for several months running.

In the case of Forces of Valor, we are expecting a re-stock order to arrive by the end of this week, barring any last minute unforeseen issues with either the weather or the supply chain. Said shipment includes several of their most recently released warships as well as a number of 1:32 scale tanks that we ran out of during the holiday rush. Waltersons, the manufacturers of the line, claims that a shipment of long-awaited new items is due to reach them over the next few days. Rather than hold up our re-stock shipment, we elected to have them shipped to us first, followed by the new product, which is currently on track to reach us by either the first or second week of January. This follow-on shipment will also include another cache of “Cobra King” Shermans, which have become their most popular vehicle in 2023.

Another distributor reports that a very large shipment of Neo Dragon Armor 1:72 scale military vehicles are also winging their way to us and is hopefully hitting our loading dock by the end of this week. This shipment includes a vast array of Abrams, Panther, Jagdpanther and Tiger I heavy tanks, all of which are denoted within are Product in Transit section. In addition, a second JC Wings A-7E Corsair is scheduled for release, as are a number of Panzerkampf 1:72 scale armor re-stocks. Needless to say, we’ll update our New Arrivals section once they arrive and get them out-the-door just as soon as they’re checked in and ready for outbound shipping.
We’re still awaiting news if the December Hobby Master shipment is on track for a late December fly-over or if it has been shunted into early January. We’ll pass along this information just as soon as we catch wind of it. Enjoy!