Both the Internet and international defense community are abuzz with news that Sukhoi is about to debut a new fifth generation fighter aircraft. Dubbed, supposedly, the Su-75, since its fuselage is emblazoned with the number “75”, the new single-engine aircraft is designed to be a lightweight, low-cost alternative to the twin-engine Su-57 “Felon” now entering low-rate production in Russia, much like the Lockheed F-35 has been developed in the US to work in conjunction with the much more expensive F-22 Raptor. Little is known about the so-called Su-75, which will purportedly be unveiled to the world at tomorrow’s MAKS airshow held at Zhukovsky International Airport in Russia. If the rumors are true, the Su-75 is likely being developed for both the Russian military as well as for certain export customers who are seeking a somewhat less expensive fighter that truly performs as advertised when it comes to exhibiting stealth characteristics. The SU-57, while billed as a stealth fighter, may not be quite as stealthy as Sukhoi claims, in large part due its large exposed engines that give off an excessive heat bloom while in trans-sonic flight.