Shout Outs

It’s Raining Planes (and Helicopters)

After speaking with our principal supplier, it looks as though we’re about to be deluged with loads of new models towards the end of March. For starters, we’re expecting 15 different MH-53 helos from Panzerkampf along with a nice re-stock of Forces of Valor items. Besides the long sold out MH-47 helicopter, we’re about to receive a pair of F/A-18 Hornets that have long been hinted at and have finally gotten their marching orders.

More importantly, we’re going to be receiving both the February and March shipments of Hobby Master products, along with several key re-stocks that will help to fill out our coffers. So, if you have already submitted pre-orders for any of these items, please hang in there while we sift through these shipments. We will provide you with tracking information so you know when you can finally lay claim to them just as soon as everything has been inspected and segregated. Enjoy!

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The Forces of Valor Update: Zzzzzzzz

We’re a few days away from the start of the Nuremberg Toy Fair, which most insiders agree is the venue where new product announcements are made. Thus far, Waltersons, the owners of the Forces of Valor brand, hasn’t privately discussed what’s in store from them for the 2025 calendar year, even though they’ve posted loads of new items to their multiple web sites. Why they have multiple web sites as opposed to one all-encompassing site is perhaps a topic for another time but suffice it to say that they seem reluctant to provide details on a wide range of yet-to-be-released items that they’ve hinted at for over two years running.

I know they purchased Greenlight Collectibles more than a year ago and that it has taken up much of their time. Its no easy task getting a new company to perform like clockwork. Heck, that’s a given. Greenlight gives them entree into an assortment of big box retailers from Walmart to Target whereas Forces of Valor has had to stick its nose and well-worn shoe in the door of these very same retailers to maintain any sort of presence. Let’s face it, war toys just doesn’t ring up at the cash register like they used to. But frankly that isn’t enough of a reason to leave their dedicated base of customers in the lurch for an extended period of time. Its been well over two years since they posted anything to their Facebook account and I’m not even certain if they are responding to collector inquiries, much less willing to draw back the curtains on what’s new.

That said, we’re hoping they are about to turn a corner and face their critics who have repeatedly asked if anything new is in the wings. If they don’t do so in 2025 I’m afraid they’re going to lose quite a few ardent supporters and witness the selling of more FOV collectibles by people who have moved on to other segments of the hobby. We’ve been a vocal supporter of the line too but are starting to wonder if that backing needs to be toned down in favor of other branches and manufacturers within the hobby. Its up to Waltersons to indicate if they plan on shedding light on what’s to come or are content to leave things the way they are. That would be a sad affair but ultimately their way of saying goodbye to their bread-and-butter range that to date has paid handsome dividends for both themselves and their retail network.

Update: Yesterday, we stumbled across this photograph from the Nuremberg Toy Fair that clearly shows both the Greenlight Collectibles booth playing host to the Waltersons Forces of Valor range. Only a handful of new products were being shown including their upcoming re-release of the USS Enterprise aircraft carrier, Ferdinand tank destroyer and a few other items we cannot accurately discern. Their soon-to-be-released line of 1:64 scale military vehicles are likely integrated within their Greenlight showcase, so there’s no point in discussing them any further. While its encouraging to see that Forces of Valor hasn’t dropped out-of-sight its a bit disappointing to see nothing new was being debuted in a public manner.

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Tales of Transparency: Panzerstahl

Its been a frustrating year from any number of standpoints, particularly as it relates to getting in new product that in many cases were announced months ago. Several manufacturers seem to be running into regular delays — oftentimes because of customs checks, manufacturing issues or other supply chain problems — which keeps affecting how and when we can expect to receive their items.

In the case of Panzerstahl, we were notified in August by one distributor that a cache of “previously made” product had been unearthed — presumably sitting in a warehouse somewhere in Asia or Europe — and that they could be expected before the start of the fourth quarter. Well, its now coming up on the end of November and we’re still sitting on our hands waiting to hear when they will be dispatched. We’ve told this distributor time and again that it does us no good if the product gets shipped to us at the end of December, when most online shopping has already wound down.

To make a long story short, we decided this morning to cancel our Panzerstahl order and have focused our attention on those lines that ARE actually expected sometime over the course of the next two weeks so they can make it to shoppers before Santa takes wing. Again, I have no idea why its taken this distributor so long to get in product that was made, packaged and sitting in inventory well over a decade ago looking for a nice new home. There’s only so many excuses I can listen to before I have to put on my big boy britches and call them out for not living up to their end of the bargain. Its one thing to get everyone’s hopes up — its another to drop the ball in spectacular fashion.

We apologize for not receiving said product and hope you understand that some things are simply beyond our abilities to properly address. Any orders we may have received to date for this line will naturally be cancelled and the listings will have a block in place to prevent any added orders from coming in.

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The (Grey) Ghost in the Machine

Even though we are still months away from its eventual release, Hobby Master was gracious enough to unveil images of the prototype YF-23 still in development. The YF-23 is an important release for both Hobby Master as well as the hobby itself, since many aviation enthusiasts have always believed it should have won the fly-off against the then YF-22 way back in the 1990s. In fact, the YF-23 has such a dedicated following that many feel the Japanese military is still looking at ways of using the pancake-like design for its first ever fifth generation air dominance fighter, thereby keeping pace with some of the newest aircraft now being fielded by the Chinese PLAAF. Whether or not the YF-23 or a derivative thereof will eventually get the nod by the Japanese is still a matter of conjecture so it remains to be seen if its a case of wishful thinking or concrete thought. No matter, Hobby Master has indicated that they will at some point offer a Japanese maritime version of the YF-23 as a notional “what-if’ scheme sometime later in 2025 along with other schemes that will help them earn back the costs of developing the model.

One of the principal reasons why the YF-23 lost out to the YF-22 was because it was not equipped with thrust-vectoring nozzles, which made the YF-22 more nimble in close-in air combat maneuvering, an important lesson learned from the Vietnam War. Its entirely possible that Hobby Master may eventually offer a YF-23 with thrust-vectoring nozzles as a gesture towards making a Japanese version of the aircraft as realistic as possible. Right now, the jury is out concerning what Hobby Master plans to do for the foreseeable future to make the model as appealing as possible to both purists and futurists.

We’re guessing that like the F-22, the F-23 proposed by Hobby Master will eventually come clad in a mirror-like coating that is aimed at defeating Infra-Red Search and Track (IRST) equipment now being fitted to some of the latest Russian and PLAAF aircraft. The mirror-like coating is still being tested as a means of hiding stealth aircraft from prying eyes, particularly during daylight operations. So, its a good bet that whatever variants you see amongst the F-22 models will eventually be applied to follow-on F-23 models. Likewise, expect to see fully-armed models of the F-23s further down the road, with all of the prototype models featuring little else in the way of added gear.

Hobby Master’s inaugural YF-23 is currently available for pre-order on our site but we must warn you that it is still months away from making its maiden flight and into your model collection. There are a couple of European-based dealers that have listed the model on eBay citing it as a pre-order but taking the buyer’s money without being able to fill the order. The problem is that eBay quite specifically says that a pre-sale listing must include the actual release date for the item and cannot list the item as being for sale unless the seller can deliver the item within 40 days of posting the listing. As such, we will refrain from listing it on any of the marketplace sites until we know for sure it is in our possession and ready for delivery. While we may lose out on some early sales, our philosophy is that we must follow the guidelines set forth by all of the marketplace sites we deal with and, in so doing, treat the customer with respect by clearly indicating when the model will hit the streets.

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The Forces of Valor Update: Back from the Dead

We’re happy to report that we received a rather large re-stock shipment of Forces of Valor products earlier this week, which is ahead of our upcoming vacation over the Labor Day weekend. Besides the usual convoy of Tiger I and Sherman tanks, is this M24 Chaffee light tank, a vehicle that was out-of-stock for several months running and one that ably does the Chaffee justice. We’ve filled all of our back orders for this item and have a handful left available, just in case you’re looking to snag the WWII version before we head off to parts unknown.

Another vehicle long unavailable is their Sherman tank with deep wading gear, this one used in the Pacific Theatre of Operations towards the end of WWII. Its a stand out vehicle and one that ably replicates its real-life cousin from top-to-bottom. “White 6”, as its known, was attached to the 713th Tank Battalion, then forcibly invading the island of Okinawa in April 1945.

Both versions of the 1:700 scale HMS Invincible sailed into our home waters as did their MH-47G Chinook, a favorite amongst chopper gearheads and a model that had been unavailable for several years. Its a fine specimen and most will agree its perhaps their best take on the unbiquitous Chinook. Again, we believe this one won’t remain in stock for very long despite us ordering what we think is a healthy supply.

Also, now in stock is their eagerly awaited 1:72 scale take on a USMC Bell AH-1Z Viper attack helicopter. Their inaugural “Viper” was attached to Light Attack Helicopter Squadron 469 “Vengeance” (HMLA-469), which is deployed to Marine Corps Air Station Camp Pendleton, California. The chopper comes complete with a full ordnance load out, a pair of pilot figures, opening engine nacelles and everything else you’ve come to expect from this prolific model maker.

With the holidays fast approaching and demand for FOV products continuing to remain strong, all of these models make perfect gifts for that special someone in your life and ideal center pieces for any military-themed vignette. So, whether it be on land, sea or air, both we and Forces of Valor have got you covered and ready to fuel your passion for combat collectibles.

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Product Spotlight: HMS Invincible

As we await the fate of Forces of Valor latest 1:700 scale warship, HMS Invincible, we stumbled upon this manufacturer-created video that was found on YouTube and designed to show off some of the warships’ unique features. Produced and uploaded three months ago, this is the first video Waltersons, the owners of the Forces of Valor line, has posted to the site in almost three years, one we hope will be followed up by other “docu-advertisements”, which are designed to compare and contrast the warship, aircraft or vehicle in question with its smaller namesake. Waltersons has always done a fine job of showing off its models over the years – we just wish they had informed us they had produced and rolled out a new video so that it can be marketed day and date with the release of the product.

Like their other recently released warships, the HMS Invincible comes in two flavors – one a full draught model, the other a waterline replica that can, if necessary, be used for wargaming purposes. The full draught version sits atop a wood-like display plinth, complete with an etched identification label, while the waterline model comes packaged in a vaccu-formed piece of plastic that resembles an ocean in motion. Both versions of the warship are shown in the accompanying video and, as of August 20th, both models are now in stock and ready for immediate shipment.

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What’s Old is New Again

Every so often, we get emails asking about lines from the past — lines that seem to come and go in a heartbeat never to be heard from again. Today, we received just such a message, this time around from one of our distributors indicating that a cache of Panzerstahl 1:72 scale military vehicles were uncovered and will soon be winging its way to the US. Bear in mind that only a handful of SKUs were unearthed – most having to do with WWII-era German armored cars, Hetzers and 88mm FLaK guns. Nevertheless, the vehicles are in perfect shape, still in their original packaging and have been long sought after for at least a decade. Keep in mind too that many of these items are no longer available from any other manufacturer, making them all the more special to military diecast collectors.

Its going to take us at least a couple of days to relist all of the SKUs back on our web site, so please bear with us as we put out the construction cones, break out the jack hammers, and breathe new life into this once dormant section. Amazingly, the manufacturer’s web site is still in the ether, making it much easier for us to obtain photos and other pertinent information. Oh, and best of all, the price points haven’t changed all that much since the line disappeared, meaning they’ll likely get gobbled up the moment they hit the streets — for the second time.

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Hobby Master Resumes Service

Late last week we heard from the new distributor of the Hobby Master line who indicated that they have received the long-delayed June shipment of Hobby Master products. They expect to begin sending out product to their distributor network early this week. Fortuitously, several previously sold out models were also included in the cache, such as HA9304, a USAF McDonnell RF-101C Voodoo Reconnaissance Aircraft that was piloted by Captain Robert M. Sweet, who was attached to the 363rd Tactical Reconnaissance Wing, and conducting “Operation Sun Run”, on November 27th, 1957, as well as HA2214, a US Navy Curtiss SB2C Helldiver ASW Aircraft that was attached to VB-83, then embarked upon the USS Essex (CV-9) during April 1945. We’ve updated our web site accordingly and welcome the news that certain sold out items will again become available. They also indicated that the July shipment of Hobby Master products, which was originally scheduled to arrive along with the June shipment, is now pegged for a September arrival. In turn, the August shipment will most probably land in October until both the manufacturer and distributor have caught up with all of the previously announced releases.

Besides several back ordered items, the June shipment has some notable aircraft included, among them Colonel Robin Olds’ F-101C Voodoo when he was deployed to Europe as part of the USAF’s 92nd Tactical Fighter Squadron “Skulls”, 81st Tactical Fighter Wing, then deployed to RAF Bentwaters, England, during 1964. Olds was certainly a colorful airman, earning ace status in both World War II and again in the Vietnam War, and was instrumental in retraining our air force squadrons deployed to Vietnam to better deal with the North Vietnamese Air Force.

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TSR-2 = Too Strong at Retail Twice!

Apparently, collectors don’t mind adding a few notional or “what-if” aircraft to their aviation collection. We’ve known for several months now that Hobby Master’s recently released take on a Ukrainian F-16 was selling extremely well at retail even if they are just now entering the real world fray. Now, Corgi’s newest TSR-2 strike aircraft is following suit, selling out over this past weekend at a price point well in excess of their original cost.

No doubt part of the huge surge in demand has to do with the fact that Corgi’s TSR-2 has been unavailable for several years running so any new introduction, even a fictitious one, was bound to do well. But I think the real reason for the popularity of these models is the fact that collectors don’t mind dabbling in conjecture every once in awhile, more than willing to nab a new model that may never come to fruition in the real world so long as there’s some sort of emotional or intellectual connection with current or past events. No matter the reason, its encouraging to see such strong demand for notional models, which may end up ushering in other models that may have never seen the light of day.

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The Forces of Valor Update: August

At the risk of sounding like a Pollyanna, it appears as if Waltersons will finally be receiving a shipment of re-stock merchandise by the middle of August. Many of their 1:32 scale tanks and trucks will be returning to the fold, along with a number of 1:700 scale warships. Interestingly, their 1:72 scale MH-47G Chinook is making an encore appearance, having been sold out for a couple of years now.

Apart from their twin 1:700 scale renditions of the HMS Invincible, there doesn’t appear to be anything new in this shipment so its your guess as good as ours as to when the balance of their long-promised new items will show up on our shores. We’ve learned our lesson and not going to speculate about their arrival date, so please bear this in mind if you have your heart and mind set on any of the new items that still appear on their web sites.

We’ll be placing a fairly large order for all of their re-stock merchandise to ensure that they remain in stock for at least through the Labor Day weekend. Mind you we’ll also keep our fingers crossed that they’re still available at the distributor should we need to place a follow-up order. Whether or not they will still be available for the holiday season is up to the manufacturer as demand remains strong even for some of their older items. Its a good problem to have but one they need to fully address going forward.

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