
The Motor Pool: More Improvements and Refinements Ahead



Each year, as part of our self-reevaluation initiative, we look at ways to improve our web site given the current state of technology. Earlier today, we rolled out a new suite of buttons across our main web site, all of which will hopefully do a better job of maintaining the overall look and feel of our present template.

Later in the year, our web hosting solution is planning on rolling out a brand new version of their e-commerce platform — which we have signed up for — one that will include a number of important front end and behind-the-scenes features that will help to keep us on the cutting edge of online retailing practice. We will share further details regarding the proposed update once we have gained familiarity with it and make the necessary tweaks to best address our product portfolio and audience.

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Patton Would be Proud

Hobby Master’s trio of long overdue M60A1 Patton tanks. The Three Musketeers include a US, Israeli and Austrian versions.

If you were sitting on the fence concerning Hobby Master’s upcoming trio of M60A1 Patton tanks, well then we recommend you hop off right now. Earlier today, the manufacturer released images for all three vehicles expected this fall: one represents a US M60A1 with a Reliability Improved Selected Equipment (RISE) IR/White Light Spotlight (HG5601), an Israeli variant (HG5602) and finally an Austrian Army version that served under NATO command during the post-war period (HG5603). Frankly, all three are downright gorgeous, although we know the top nod will go to both the US and Israeli versions. We aren’t sure how many vehicles were produced by Hobby Master, but we get the impression these are going to be snapped up quickly given their realistic appearance and lack of anything new from the Hobby Master motor pool in quite some time.

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Disney Opens Up About Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge

At Disney’s D23 2017 expo, the Company revealed details for its upcoming park, heretofore referred to as Star War’s Galaxy’s Edge. Currently planned for both Disneyland in Anaheim, California, and Disney World in Orlando, Florida, the park is scheduled to open in 2019, although its not clear if the new park can be accessed separately or require admission first to Disneyland or Walt Disney World to gain entrance.

More information, including a fly-through of the proposed parks, description of the attractions, proposed hotel accommodations, and other juicy tidbits can be found here: http://www.starwars.com/news/d23-2017-star-wars-galaxys-edge-revealed-as-name-of-star-wars-lands-in-disney-parks?cmp=smc%7C983006817

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Waltersons Completes its Purchase of VS Tanks

Recently, Waltersons completed the purchase of rival VS Tanks, thereby making it the largest manufacturer of 1:24 scale radio controlled military vehicles. No details were provided concerning the purchase price or how it would affect owners of VS Tanks replicas. The purchase radically increases the number of vehicles now available in the Company’s product portfolio. Its not clear if the VS Tanks will be re-purposed to work in conjunction with the Walterson’s Forces of Valor radio controlled line or if it will be held in a separate regard with distinct VS packaging, support and design goals.

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Star Trek Gets Carded

One ardent Star Trek fan with a bit of time on his hands got together a bunch of his friends to create a stack of quick reference cards for each of the Eaglemoss starships released to date. Beautifully illustrated and labelled, the cards can be downloaded, snipped, and added to each starship in your library, all free-of-charge. Here’s a link to each of the downloads created thus far with more to come:





Don’t forget to thank the creators of these cards when you have the chance.

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Forces of Valor Gathers Momentum

While it hasn’t been completed and there’s still lots of information that has to be uploaded. Forces of Valor’s new site should give collectors a better idea of what to expect moving forward

Waltersons, the new owners of the Forces of Valor brand, has announced the soft opening of its new web site. While it hasn’t been complete as yet, the new site should give collectors a better sense of what they can expect going forward as well as their intention towards putting their best foot forward getting the line off the ground. You can find the new site here: http://forcesofvalor.com/new_website/products.php

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Hobby Master Gets its Southeast Asian Scheme On

Look, if you can spot them, for a trio of three-tone warbirds flying in low this fall

Images were posted yesterday for three upcoming Hobby Master aircraft. Sensing a theme, each of the three new warbirds are decked out in a three-tone camouflage pattern, melding together a brown, green and dark green pattern that helps it blend into the triple canopy cover of the Vietnamese countryside as well as certain parts of central Europe. The three 1:72 scale aircraft include a USAF McDonnell F-4D Phantom II Fighter-Bomber that was attached to the 48th Tactical Fighter Wing “Statue of Liberty Wing,” then deployed to RAF Lakenheath, England during 1975 (HA1978), a USAF McDonnell F-4E Phantom II Fighter-Bomber that was attached to the 32nd Tactical Fighter Squadron “Wolfhounds”, then deployed to Soesterberg AB, The Netherlands, during 1989 (HA1979), and finally a USAF Republic F-105D Thunderchief Fighter-Bomber known as “Cherry Girl”, that was deployed to Vietnam during 1967 (HA2515). The pre-order window for each warbird is still open although we expect all three to do quite well at retail once they hit the streets.

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Hobby Master Paints a Portrait of a Summertime Lightning Storm

Hobby Master displays a quartet of upcoming Lockheed F-35A Joint Strike Fighter covering four different air forces

Say what you will about the oft maligned Lockheed F-35 Lightning II joint strike fighter. Hobby Master obviously holds a different opinion, offering four liveries to choose from this summer that should keep even the most ardent critics more than satisfied. Shown in the upper left hand of this montage is a F-35I “Adir” that served with the Israeli Air Force in 2016 (HA4410). Next, is a Royal Australian Air Force F-35A JSF that entered service with the country earlier this year (HA4411). In the bottom right hand position we have a F-35A that was accepted into service by the Japanese Air Self Defense Force last August (HA4412) and finally we have a USAF F-35A that was attached to the 34th Fighter Squadron, 388th Fighter Wing, which is currently based at Lakenheath, England (HA4413). The montage shows, in visual form, just how many nations are accepting the F-35 into active service to replace their own aging fleets of fourth generation aircraft, with other nations also selecting the F-35 over other possible candidates.

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Product Spotlight: What You Can Expect from the New Forces of Valor Line

Forces of Valor explains the depth and breath of nuances that goes into producing a pre-assembled model

We’re constantly deluged by inquiries asking why its taking so long for Waltersons, the new owners of the Forces of Valor brand, to bring their product portfolio to market. Beyond the learning curve associated with creating a static model, its a question of trial-and-error, as the new owners experiment with different techniques to both enhance the range and satiate the appetite of baying customers looking to get their hands on the newest introductions.

Vincent Tsang, Managing Director of the Forces of Valor line, posted a three part essay on Facebook describing the process in detail and why they are taking their time to get things right. We strongly suggest paying a visit to their Facebook page and read up on their explanation, which will hopefully provide added insight concerning how they are approaching the model making business.



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Paying by Plastic: The Differences between Debit, Prepaid Debit and Credit Cards

Last year, the Kingston Community Credit Union produced an informative if somewhat whimsical YouTube video that discusses the differences between debit, prepaid debit and credit cards. We strongly suggest everyone take a few moments out of their busy schedule to watch and review this video, since it goes a long way in discussing the advantages and disadvantages of using each type of card. We hope to integrate this video along with a few others within our shopping cart in the coming months, making them more visible during the checkout process. Enjoy!

The second video goes a bit further in describing the pros and cons of using each type of card and when they should generally be used.

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