As promised, Corgi unveiled the balance of their 2024 Aviation Archives aircraft over the Labor Day weekend. While no new toolings were debuted nor was anything hinted at for the coming year, several existing models received important updates, which helps to round out their yearly roster and clear the way for their eventual 2025 line up.
Two models were included in the roll out that we haven’t as yet included on our web site largely because we aren’t sure about their relative worth to the average aircraft collector. These include a rather eclectic Heinkel He-111 medium bomber that was designed for the rock band Motorhead, and features their logo emblazoned on the underside of the model as well as adorning its nose art. Similarly, there’s a Spitfire dubbed “Aces High” that was created for the group Iron Maiden. Interestingly, the Spitfire could easily fit into anyone’s aircraft collection since it features a more traditional scheme than say “Motorhead” with its more risque exterior graphics. For those of you unfamiliar with the group, “Aces High” is Iron Maiden’s eleventh single release and one of their most famous tracks. So, for now we’ll take a pass on both new models to see if diehards are willing to integrate either or both of these models within their Aviation Archive collection.

We invite you to watch the September-December 2024 video Corgi uploaded to YouTube that more ably discusses what you can expect to see for the final three months of 2024.
Note: Hornby, the parent company of Corgi, has indicated that as of September 1st, they are increasing prices across-the-board for all of their products in an effort to offset recent increases in costs associated with the production and transport of their models. For now, we have not changed our prices for the entire line although as soon as Corgi passes along their September-December product line up we will be revising prices for both older and newer releases. So, if you’re interested in pre-ordering anything posted to our web site, we suggest doing so now before the changes are put into effect.