We’ve been after certain modelmakers to expand their offerings for a number of years. Some times our calls fall on deaf ears; other times we strike a vein and score the mother lode. Last month, we were tickled pink when we learned that Hobby Master was going to dip their toes in the warship market, giving such stalwarts as Eaglemoss, Forces of Valor, and several others a run for the money, crossing the “T” when they least expected it.
We have since learned that, at least in the case of their first offering, the USS Ticonderoga, the ship can only be displayed in a full draught configuration, meaning no provisions are being made for it to be shown as a waterline model, making it ideal for wargaming. I’m not sure why this decision was made when other modelmakers seemingly have no trouble offering their ships in either configuration. The model carries a $84.99 MAP, meaning, from a pricing perspective, it falls right where it should in the diecast task force. However, from a features stand point, it still lacks a critical punch that could have sunk some foes. Its possible they may elect to amend their decision, considering its not due out until June. They have been known to change their mind on occasion, so here’s one instance we wish they did and give the maritime collector everything they deserve.