Eaglemoss Star Trek Federation Constitution Class Starship – USS Enterprise NCC-1701 [With Collector Magazine]
While it looks as if their standard ships line has slowed down to impulse power, that doesn’t seem to be the case with the Eaglemoss Star Trek Discovery range. Three new ships were announced in recent days, bringing the total to fifteen entrants. Shown above is a Star Trek Federation Worker Bee (EMSTDISC13), which was a small utility craft in use by the Federation in the mid-23rd century. Both the USS Shenzhou and her contemporary starship the USS Discovery carried a complement of worker bees.

Eaglemoss Star Trek Klingon Cleave Starship [With Collector Magazine]
Number fourteen is a rather strange looking Klingon Cleave Starship (EMSTDISC14), a 23rd century Klingon warship in service to the House of T’Kuvma.

Eaglemoss Star Trek Federation Hoover Class Starship – USS Edison NCC-1683 [With Collector Magazine]
Finally, we have the fifteenth offering, the USS Edison (NCC-1683), which was an Hoover-class Federation starship operated by Starfleet during the mid-23rd century (EMSTDISC15). All three are expected this Spring and more, no doubt, are waiting in the wings as the series continues to pick up steam.