And the hits just keep on coming. Late this afternoon, one of our distributors informed us that many of the previously sold out 1:43 scale Eaglemoss military vehicles are returning to the battlefield this October, many of which were either available in very limited numbers or not at all. According to the literature, this will likely be a “come as you are party” meaning they will likely get only one shipment and no restocks. We are currently in the process of changing the status on those items listed in our Eaglemoss section from “Sold Out” to “Back Order” so you may place your orders as soon as possible.

If you previously ordered any of these vehicle but not got your order filled, we strongly recommend you contact us immediately to see if you would still like these items or perhaps add to your order. We will be placing our order with the distributor tomorrow, so we advise taking a look at the Eaglemoss section and your backs orders as soon as possible before we transmit our order.