After leaving the cold winter behind us in New York on January 2nd, we arrived here in Florida on the 5th and began setting up shop on the 9th. It wasn’t until the 15th that we felt we were ready to resume operations even though there were still some facets of our business that needed to be addressed such as purchasing and building a new desk and ordering some other office furniture, as well as other responsibilities such as visiting the DMV, changing doctors, and dealing with home ownership in a brand new community. Since then we’ve been on an upswing and, quite frankly, haven’t looked back. In fact, this morning we noticed that our eBay sales alone have risen by over 500% since re-opening for business, and we haven’t even listed some of the more crucial new products such as the new Forces of Valor 1:32 scale Sherman “Cobra King”. We’ve seen a similar rise in both traffic and sales on some of our other marketplace sites as well as our main web site.
In other eBay-related news we have successfully transitioned from their Global Shipping program to their new International Delivery Program. As a result, we can now ship anywhere on the globe without fear of fraud or incompatible/antiquated postal systems that may have prevented all parties from tracking the progress of the package. After a sale is made, products are first shipped to eBay’s point of aggregation in Illinois, inspected and then sent on to the customer wherever he or she may be located. Again, any customs or VAT due are paid by the customer freeing us from explaining these restrictions to the would-be customer.
As always, we thank you for your patronage and look forward to serving your diecast needs for the foreseeable future. Panzers vorwarts!