True to their word, Waltersons, the current owner of the Forces of Valor brand, will be offering a slew of M4 Sherman variants in the coming year. Three new 1:32 scale Shermans were announced today, one featuring an HVSS suspension and the other two sporting the older VVSS suspension. It appears as if Creighton Abrams’ “Thunderbolt” will be modeled although its not clear which one of his mounts will actually see the light of day. A bunch more variants were revealed on Wednesday morning, covering just about every conceivable Sherman tank to see battle during the Second World War.
Thus far, only black-and-white photos have been posted to their web site, so it could be some time before we get to see the finished products in the flesh with firm release dates set in stone. For further information, hop on over to the Forces of Valor web site.
As an aside, its refreshing to see a manufacturer take on a subject with such zeal and fortitude to warrant producing so many variants of the Sherman within a relatively short time span. Its not clear, however, if the manufacturer plans to create two different versions of each model, thereby portraying each vehicle type under differing lighting conditions and weathering effects. If they do, it represents a huge inventory build for distributors and retailers alike, who will certainly be hard-pressed to keep all of the SKUs in stock at all times. While we certainly applaud their effort to depict every known Sherman tank that saw action during the War, it might make more sense to spread out their release over the course of several years instead of potentially flooding the market with so many variations in a narrow period of time.