After speaking with our principal supplier, it looks as though we’re about to be deluged with loads of new models towards the end of March. For starters, we’re expecting 15 different MH-53 helos from Panzerkampf along with a nice re-stock of Forces of Valor items. Besides the long sold out MH-47 helicopter, we’re about to receive a pair of F/A-18 Hornets that have long been hinted at and have finally gotten their marching orders.

More importantly, we’re going to be receiving both the February and March shipments of Hobby Master products, along with several key re-stocks that will help to fill out our coffers. So, if you have already submitted pre-orders for any of these items, please hang in there while we sift through these shipments. We will provide you with tracking information so you know when you can finally lay claim to them just as soon as everything has been inspected and segregated. Enjoy!