Apparently, Waltersons received the all-new M4 Sherman Tank Model T48 Duckbill Tracks at the same time they took in the new M4 Sherman Jumbo tank but neglected to tell anyone. Be that as it may, we have placed an order for them along with another cache of initial production Tiger I tanks, all of which should be in stock by the middle of this month. I believe the previously released Sherman track set should still work on the Jumbo tank, although these are the type expressly developed for the vehicle during the war by our defense industry.
On a different note, we are holding those Sherman Jumbo tank orders that also called for the upcoming M4 Sherman tank with the wading gear. Bear in mind that our company policy expressly states that we do not split up orders in order to reduce our outbound shipping costs. Again, these are large, heavy models that can get quite expensive shipping across this great land of ours. So, if you ordered both vehicles on one invoice, hang in there and we will notify you when your order is ready to ship out complete.
Update: To mitigate the costs of shipping these large, oversized items from Waltersons’ locale on the west coast to our location in Florida, the Company will be shipping our re-stock order plus the upcoming Sherman with wading gear via freight instead of standard ground delivery. We will likely have to increase our orders down the road to avoid out-of-stock situations that are caused by excessive shipping costs. As with “Cobra King”, we strongly recommend submitting your order for the next Sherman tank as soon as possible so we have a clearer idea as to how many to order to fill our initial requirement. This will likely hold true for each new 1:32 scale tank the Company plans on rolling out at least for the balance of 2023.