In 1937, Erwin Rommel wrote and published his seminal military treatise Infanterie Greift An (Infantry Attacks), which caught the attention of both the German General staff as well as the Fuhrer, Adolf Hitler. Rommel intended to publish a companion piece entitled Panzer Greift An (Armor Attacks), but was both caught up in his exploits during the second world war as well as his supposed complicity in the plot to kill Hitler.
Fortunately, we are in a different position. After a strong start with the first six vehicles released in 2021, the publisher of the highly successful Armored Fighting Vehicles of World War II series has asked us to pick out no less than 16 new introductions, all of which will be out at varying intervals in 2022. The next batch will include several soft-skinned military vehicles, transports and, as the name implies, a bevy of tanks from all the world’s armies that fought in World War II, both in the ETO as well as the PTO. A number of highly requested vehicles made the cut, including the massive French Char 2C super heavy tank seen here. We will post updates to our web site as soon as we have more solid information to work from. If you previously placed a pre-order for the Char 2C, then we will apply your order to this vehicle and honor the price quoted. Otherwise, each vehicle in this series has been priced at $39.99 apiece.