Panzerkampf’s 1:72 scale US Patriot Advanced Capability-3 (PAC-3) Air Defense System with M901 Launching Station – Desert Camouflage
I’ve been told by one informed source that we never gave newcomer Panzerkampf a fair shake when it came to adding their products to our online catalog. Frankly, I wasn’t all that impressed when the range first appeared since many of the 1:72 scale vehicles looked to be rehashes of already available product. We’re not in business to offer redundant lines that gather dust on the shelves and leave us wondering why we stocked them in the first place.

Panzerkampf’s 1:72 scale Soviet Object 279 Special Purpose Tank
But, with 2019 already in full swing, and several existing lines withering on the vine, we thought we’d give them a second chance and add a few products to our site. Moreover, we noticed several interesting new items due out later this year that are already appearing on some European retail sites. So, rather than shunt them to the side a second time, we’re looking to give them another chance and hopefully see some stellar results. New blood is always welcome to our site, however, there has to be a reason to carry more plasma, not simply because they are the latest flavor in the candy store with nothing else to show for it.