We’ve been watching Panzerkampf’s web site for several months running and were growing concerned because there seemed to be no movement one way or the other. The site seemed unfinished with lots of products we had never seen shown in different configurations. Earlier this week, we noticed that the site was finally updated, which included pictures of some of their upcoming projects. Other items were removed or quite possibly hidden from view, meaning they are likely due out later in the year once things settle down and they have a better feel for what they can get out within the calendar year.
So, we invite you to take a look at our revamped Panzerkampf military vehicle section. We’re currently awaiting word as to when several of the items marked as pre-ordered will actually come to fruition, no doubt pushed back because of the pandemic. Right now, we are forecasting a summer release although this could change once more solid information has been passed along by our distributor.