First shown to the public well over a year ago and thought to have rolled out for the 2020 holiday season, Panzerkampf’s pair of M1070 tank transporters is one of those items everyone just seems to want the minute they lay eyes on it. Now with an actual product identifier assigned to it, hi-res images posted to Facebook and even a short glitzy video showing each vehicle sitting atop a rotating base, it appears as if we’re a lot closer to the product’s actual release date than ever before. The problem is that with the global supply chain in such a mess and loads of other items promised by Panzerkampf but have never actually materialized, we cannot say for certain if these sets will make it off the assembly line in time for the 2021 holiday season. And with several of their M1 Abrams tanks still unavailable here in North America, it may be just as well since the set looks a bit naked without the vehicle its meant to be paired with.
Nevertheless, we are still accepting pre-orders for either set although its with the caveat that we think it will likely show up after the new year and not before. Please bear this in mind if you were hoping to give it as a gift to some lucky diecast tank collector.