You can’t fault Precision Model Art (PMA) for having a love affair with the iconic Tiger I heavy tank. After all, it was feared by all of the Allied nations arrayed against Germany, a powerful if ponderous tank that seemed to symbolize German resistance in the face of still opposition. Slow and ungainly, it nevertheless took on swarms of enemy armor and, in the hands of competent crews, denied the enemy the upper hand at a time when they could have easily steamrollered past tanks of a lesser caliber.

It therefore comes as no surprise that PMA has decided to release the fourth version of the Tiger, this time around bearing the markings and insignia of schwere Panzerabteilung 507. Painted in a summer camouflage scheme and bearing all of the hallmark details you’ve come to expect from this vaunted diecast modelmaker, we expect it to hit the streets sometime in early 2021.

In the meantime, if you need to get your fix on for a Tiger tank, PMA is re-releasing the Otto Carius version, which sold out quite quickly earlier this year. Its a magnificent model, and one with lots of history behind it. Expect it to return to stock in time for Thanksgiving.