Several years ago, in a bid to further protect their M1 Abrams tanks against RPGs, mines, IEDs and the latest generation of anti-tank missiles being fielded by the Russian Army, the US Army began to up-armor their fleet of tanks with the TUSK survivability kit. TUSK, which stands for Tank Urban Survival Kit, improves protection, firepower, and Situation Awareness of the tanks. The TUSK includes such components as add-on explosive reactive armor and a slat armor, which provides protection against RPG rounds, 32 dischargers for 66-mm defensive grenades, which loaded with a combination of smoke and anti-personnel grenades, a transparent shielding around vehicle commander’s 12.7-mm machine gun that allow vehicle commander to be protected from enemy fire.
The TUSK also has a thermal weapon sight for a shielded loader’s 7.62-mm machine gun that allows him to locate targets and fire from his machine gun at night, additional remotely controlled 12.7-mm machine gun over the main gun that is fitted with a spotlight. In addition, the TUSK includes a 7.62-mm coaxial machine gun, a 360-degree camera for a vehicle commander that improves SA, new safety sear and rear vision camera for a driver, and an infantry phone that allows the nearby infantry to communicate with the tank commander and coordinate their actions in combat.

The TUSK includes additional protection at the loader’s gun station on the turret and the commander’s gun station, reactive armor to protect the tank’s side from attack by rocket-propelled grenades (RPGs) and slat armor to protect the tank’s rear from the same weapon, and the tank/infantry telephone to allow infantry and armor soldiers to work together in combat.
All the upgrades use off-the-shelf technology, and the goal is for the entire TUSK to be applied by units in the field, without requiring a return to a depot for modification. The reactive armor, for example, is a product similar to what’s on the Bradley (Armored Fighting Vehicle). It’s explosive armor that protects the vehicle. Another example would be the slat armor designed to protect the tank’s rear from RPG attack. It is similar in design and concept to the slat armor used on the Stryker armored vehicles for the same purpose.
The first TUSK component to reach the field was the Loader’s Armored Gun Shield, which provides protection to the loader when the soldier is firing the 7.62mm machine gun on the Abrams’ turret.

The Abrams Reactive Armor Tile system is a component of the Tank Urban Survival Kit that was mounted on Abrams tanks during deployments to the Middle East. It consists of a set of two types of reactive armor tiles. Maneuvering the Abrams on the European continent requires different armor configurations. Using the ARAT and not the TUSK will allow the tanks the maneuverability and operability they will need in more verdant areas. ARAT retains the cross-country abilities of the tank because it is not completely loaded down with extra armor. This has the added benefit of being more capable against things like heat rounds and things like explosive ordinance that get fired at the tank.
Looking to demonstrate the effectiveness of this upgraded armor, Panzerkampf plans to release three different 1:72 scale M1 Abrams tanks equipped with the TUSK I and II surviavibility kits. One model represents an M1A2 SEP Abrams equipped with the TUSK II kit. A second showcases a M1A2 Abrams with the TUSK I kit while a third looks at the older M1A1 series of Abrams tanks being fitted with the TUSK I kit. Look for these and other vehicles this fall.