While we’re busy hawking the 1:43 scale Armored Fighting Vehicles of World War II, and even the upcoming Forces of Valor 1:32 scale tanks, things aren’t fairing as well in the smaller 1:72 scale market. Earlier this week we learned that Modelcollect has pulled the plug on their pre-assembled military vehicles segment. Ever since COVID struck in late 2019, it wasn’t clear if this prolific model maker intended to resume production or perhaps give up and concentrate solely on their model business. Well, now we know.
Meanwhile, Dragon, once the dominant maker of pre-assembled military vehicles, seems to have withdrawn from the market after first offering a handful of Neo Armor subjects in 2020. Frankly, its not clear where they stand since their web site hasn’t been updated in months and our point of sales contact has vanished. We’re still hoping they pick up the gauntlet and resume production, but the fact remains that nothing new for months on end is never a good sign.

And then there’s Hobby Master, who hasn’t announced any new 1:72 scale armor subject in a very long time. While their aircraft business is going full tilt, it looks as if they too have pulled back from the ground pounding business, perhaps content to let others move in and steal their thunder.
Happily all is not lost. Companies such as Precision Model Art and Panzerkampf have stepped in and produced all sorts of out-of-the-box subjects, understanding full well that collectors are simply unable or unwilling to purchase more of the same old subjects other manufacturers have churned out year after year. And then there’s Forces of Valor, who have continually hinted at plans to re-enter the 1:72 scale military market, a category they once laid claim to under their previous owner, Unimax. Thus far, Waltersons, the new owners of the FOV brand, have remained mum concerning their plans, so it remains to be seen how they plan to address the sector given their tendency to keep their cards close to their vest. Hopefully, 2022 will prove to be a banner year for each and every scale and plenty to choose from everyone still seated at the diecast table. Armor aplenty? I guess the jury is still out…