One of our principal goals is to make the implements of war sexy. Its a somewhat strange conundrum we find ourselves in trying to talk up weapons of war that have contributed to the death of millions and the wholesale destruction of entire nations over countless generations, yet here we find ourselves in now undertaking our twentieth year of operation delivering scale military models to the masses. I’ve often wondered what makes the study of war so intoxicating to the average onlooker when they could just as easily set about pursuing other more peaceful pursuits and learn about the creation of civilizations instead of their obliteration. I’m not sure I’ll never know the answer to that vexing question, which has dogged us and others despite the Bible telling us that we should beat our swords into plowshares and study war no more.
That said, we have a tough road ahead of us for the next few months, as we attempt to discuss many of the newest scale models headed everyone’s way. Presently, we’re also laying out our strategic vision for year 21 and moving into our new digs at Shopify all in the next few weeks. Our dance card is certainly full even though we’ve done our best to accept new partners here and there when the music abruptly stops and we’ve had a quick run at the punch bowl. So sit back and relax as we take it to the next level and hopefully continue to provide the very best service we can muster. Panzers vorwarts.