According to a recent article that appeared on April 30th in the Ukrainian Kyiv Post, the so-called “Ghost of Kyiv” was, in fact, real. Major Stepan Tarabalka reportedly shot down over 40 Russian aircraft in the early stages of the Russo-Ukrainian Conflict, only to get shot down himself and die on March 13th. The Mig-29 pilot’s identity was revealed earlier this week by various Ukrainian media and The Times in London also confirmed his real name.
On March 20th, President Volodymyr Zelensky posthumously awarded him the country’s top medal for bravery in combat, the Order of the Golden Star, and the Hero of Ukraine title. For more information concerning Tarabalka, visit this link.
But then came this from the Ukrainian military within hours of the first report. “Rumours about the pilot were denounced this week after a number of media outlets identified him as Major Stepan Tarabalka, a pilot who had died last month in the ongoing war between Russia and Ukraine.
Internet users began praising the ‘Ghost’ after the Ukrainian government tweeted a video showing an artist’s impression of him, claiming he shot down six Russian aircraft on the first day of the invasion.”
So, depending upon who you believe, the Ghost of Kyiv may just be that — a fabrication to further inspire the Ukrainian nation to resist the Russian invasion, much like the Ukrainian marines holding out to the last man on Snake Island against the overwhelming might of the Russian Navy. It wouldn’t be the first time a legend was born out of the crucible of battle, taking on legendary proportions the longer the conflict played out in order to bolster morale both at home and abroad.