We’ve stumbled upon a reliable source of diecast military aircraft that just so happens carries a full line of models from the German firm Herpa. Extremely popular in Europe and established just after World War II, we’ve come to the decision that it makes sense we add them to our growing product portfolio. Since we do not stock civilian airliners, we plan to mainly carry their military hardware, which is still rather extensive in its own right.
After looking over their stock list, they appear to have a wide variety of military aircraft, from the standard-sized 1:72 scale platforms, to a wide array of smaller scale aircraft, no doubt designed to replicate some of the larger military aircraft that have seen service with all the world’s air forces. So, after we return from vacation, we will begin the process of culling the list and adding those items we think will do well to our web site. Keep in mind, we do not anticipate taking delivery of any of their products until the fourth quarter, largely due to the problems still plaguing the global supply chain. So, please be patient if you would like to pre-order anything you see, since it will be several months before they reach American shores.