Beginning in January, we are now changing the way in which we accept international orders for pre-ordered and back ordered merchandise. In the past, we have accepted payments made via PayPal and AmazonPay, two payment services that transmits the customer’s payment to the vendor when the order is submitted even though the vendor may not be able to fill the order until a later date. As a result, the customer has, on occasion, believed that they are then entitled to have their order shipped to them in piecemeal fashion as the product comes in, which ends up costing us much more than what was originally billed. This procedure will now end.
Customers located outside of the continental United States must now use a credit card when they attempt to order either pre-ordered or back order merchandise from us. Once the order is submitted, we will then contact the customer to obtain their complete billing information. As merchandise comes in, we will then bill them for each shipment sent out. No exceptions will be made. Should a customer submit an order to us using PayPal or AmazonPay for merchandise that is clearly marked as not being in stock, we will cancel the order, refund their payment and explain this new order acceptance process with them. If the issue continues, we will close out their account with us for refusal to abide by our terms of sale.
To be clear, customers located outside of the continental US may still use either PayPal or Amazon payment to pay for merchandise that is marked as being in-stock.