With talk of several dozen US-built M1 Abrams tanks being overhauled and/or constructed from scratch to aid in the Ukrainian war effort, Panzerkampf decided to seize the newsworthy opportunity by revamping its own line of M1 Abrams tanks. Several fan-favorites that sold out almost as quickly as they hit the battlefield will be brought back from the boneyard, most notably the TUSK II variant that was an instant hit amongst collectors. All told, Panzerkampf will have six different M1 Abrams tanks fitted out with either the TUSK I or II Urban Survival Kit, although it isn’t clear if these will be the types of Abrams tanks bound for Kiev in 2023. When combined with their best-selling M1070 tank transporters, these vehicles are, as they say, “evergreen” products that sell well year-in and year-out and should never be fully retired. Kudos to Panzerkampf for becoming the tip of the spear!