Now that we are fully stocked with all of Panzkerkampf’s Abrams tanks, it makes sense that Dragon would select it as their next Neo Dragon Armor subject. [sic] Be that as it may, Dragon announced a pair of M1A2 SEP Abrams are in development, both of which are likely due out before the end of this year.
In 1998, a program was launched by the US Army to increase upgrade protection of its M1A2 Abrams tanks. The System Enhancement Package (SEP) added improved armor protection, improved system components, improved computer components, and some other improvements. The first M1A2 SEP tank was delivered to the US Army in 1999. A total of 240 M1A2 SEP tanks were newly built. Another 300 M1A2 tanks were upgraded to M1A2 SEP standard from previous versions. Notably 400 oldest M1A1 tanks were upgraded to M1A2 SEP standard. Also unknown number of the basic refurbished M1 tanks were upgraded to this standard. So the US military operated at least 900 M1A2 SEP main battle tanks. These formed the backbone of the US military armored forces. This tank has not been exported in its original form.

Like the rest of the Neo Dragon Armor line, the Abrams will be made of plastic instead of metal, which typically affords finer detailing since its far easier to work with plastic over metal, especially at this scale. Both are up on our web site and ready for pre-order.