It was bound to happen. After playing for years in the World War II sandbox, Precision Model Art (PMA) has finally decided to turn the hands of time forward and move into the modern era. Well, almost. Yesterday we learned that the Company plans to model the US-built M60A1 Patton main battle tank in 1:72 scale, mainstay of the US Marine forces forces for several decades running. To kick things off, they chose three M60A1 tanks that took part in Operation Desert Storm, each one studded with explosive reactive armor (ERA) cells.

From the pictures posted, its not clear if the Pattons will feature removable turrets thereby enabling collectors to peer inside the vehicle. Likewise we do not know if other areas of the vehicle are removable particularly the engine block like it is in their Tiger I series of heavy tanks. Stowage gear has been affixed to the sides of the vehicles although we aren’t sure if these can be detached. Look for each of the three Pattons sometime in late winter.