As we head into the all-important Memorial Day weekend, I thought we’d share some items with you that, while undeserving of their own separate news story, still needs a short mention nonetheless.
For openers, we’re still awaiting delivery of several Neo Dragon Armor items. These were originally scheduled to arrive this week but have been held up in customs for routine inspection. Dragon has been good about keeping us informed whenever this happens and will no doubt let us know when they have been finally cleared for shipment. I guess good things come to those that wait.
We’ve received a number of new items as we head into the weekend, including the May shipment of Hobby Master aircraft and another cache of DeAgostini Kriegsschiffe warships. There isn’t much more we anticipate coming in this month unless, of course, we stumble upon a surprise announcement that throws us into a tizzy.

While not completely worthy of a full FOV update, Waltersons, nevertheless, posted an image for their upcoming Jagdtiger with Porsche suspension. This is the second 1:32 scale Jagdtiger to be released; the first being a tank destroyer mounted atop the more common Henschel suspension. Other FOV updates included information concerning their mid-production Tiger I tanks. We’ve posted preliminary images on our web site based upon some research we conducted. Obviously, product photos will be added once they are uploaded to the FOV web site.
Regarding the COVID-19 pandemic, things are finally settling down here in New York. We’re based in the borough of Queens, the hardest hit county in the entire nation. For a time, all we heard were ambulance sirens wailing up and down the thoroughfare where we are based, even late at night when sirens are typically muted to let everyone sleep. It was a tad disheartening, knowing that many of our neighbors were likely being transported to nearby hospitals sorely in need of medical attention. In any event, many retail establishments are scheduled to re-open shortly, which will help to mitigate the collateral effects caused by the pandemic. We’ve been through 9/11, Hurricane Sandy and now the opening salvo of the COVID-19 pandemic, which could come back to haunt us later this year unless measures are put in place to roll back its effect.
That’s it for now. As always, have a happy and healthy weekend and most of all, stay safe. Oh, and don’t forget that Father’s Day is just around the corner.