When the US-led Coalition forces sought to free Kuwait from Iraqi occupation in 1991, they were initially unprepared for Saddam Hussein’s Scud missile barrage, and the mobile missile launchers that were carrying them. Based upon the Nazi’s V-2 rocket technology from WWII, the Scuds were certainly old technology, but nevertheless a potent thorn in the Allies’ side, launched at fixed sites deep within the Allies’ rear areas where they could do the most damage. What made them so effective wasn’t necessarily the missiles themselves, but the mobile missile launchers that schlepped them around Iraq, which would pop out of a hidden enclave, fire off a salvo, then hide again, making them particularly difficult to target and annihilate by strike aircraft.
Last week, Modelcollect, as part of their deluxe vehicle series, announced plans to replicate the Scud and its mobile missile launcher, thereby, in an ignominious fashion, paying tribute to the death and destruction they once wrought. Thus far, only a model kit has been shown, but its just a matter of time before the Company makes available a pre-assembled set, further demonstrating its prowess as a model maker par excellence.