As is customary with Corgi, the Company discussed plans for the next few months with a slick video that was uploaded to YouTube. According to the Corgi brand manager, several new aircraft are in the wings, including a Junkers Ju-88C bomber. Towards the end of the presentation, the spokesperson indicated that a Messerschmitt Me 410 heavy fighter is currently in production. While no word was mentioned regarding its price and release date, the Me 410 is certainly one of those subjects that have been routinely requested by their clientele and, to the best of our knowledge, no other modelmaker has plans to produce for the foreseeable future.
In a related development, Paramount acknowledged that they are discussing the third installment in their highly-acclaimed Top Gun movie franchise. Considering the success of Corgi’s Showcase series of Top-Gun-themed merchandise, its a good bet that the modelmaker will once again look to court Paramount with licensing so that they can continue to produce an assortment of Top Gun-related merchandise.