As August unfolds, we thought we’d ask each of our distributors if things are improving as far as imports go. Apparently, not very well. We already reported how one distributor is expecting no less than three monthly Hobby Master shipments all around the same time, meaning lots to go through once the shipments finally do go out the door. Conversely, another distributor has said that one container they have been awaiting has been sitting in the Port of Long Beach for six weeks, mired in red tape and waiting to be placed aboard a freight train before it can reach their warehouse several hundred miles away. The list of imperiled goods goes on and on and right now things are looking much the same as they did in mid-2021, where containers expected for months on end are still languishing at the ports waiting to either be shipped via truck or freight train to their ultimate destinations. So, while the media has reported that consumers have been shifting their discretionary spending away from tangible items and over to experiential activities such as vacations and travel, the slowdown in the logistical network is once again beginning to affect the supply chain both here and abroad. It remains to be seen if both the ports and transport network will be able to get back on track in time for the coming holiday season. We hope so and will continue to monitor this slowdown each and every month from here on out so that we have a clearer understanding of which items will be available for Christmas shopping.