Unfamiliar with the Focke-Wulf Ta 152 Höhenjäger (high altitude) interceptor yet keenly aware of its capabilities particularly in the hands of a skilled airman, Kommodore Fritz Aufhammer, commander of Jgdgeschwader 301, decided to familiarize himself with the aircraft by flying it to the Focke-Wulf factory at Rechlin, Germany, so that he could attend a meeting with the Focke-Wulf leadership. Hoping to avoid ground fire by trigger-happy German Flak crews, he ordered the ground crew to first paint the machine red so that it could easily be distinguished from rampaging Allied fighters. Impressed with the machine but frustrated with the Focke-Wulf officials, Aufhammer ended the meeting by stating, “I don’t care about your problems, you can kiss my ass! I need those machines now!”
Look for Oxford’s unusual take on Aufhammer’s devilishly red machine (AC096) late in 2019.