Manfred von Richthofen, a.k.a. “The Red Baron”, is perhaps the most famous flier in military history, and certainly the most celebrated pilot of WWI. He is considered, as Wikipedia points out, the ace-of-aces of the war, being officially credited with 80 air combat victories.
Originally a cavalryman, Richthofen transferred to the Air Service in 1915, becoming one of the first members of fighter squadron Jagdstaffel 2 in 1916. He quickly distinguished himself as a fighter pilot, and during 1917 became leader of Jasta 11 and then the larger fighter wing unit Jagdgeschwader 1, better known as “The Flying Circus” or “Richthofen’s Circus” because of the bright colours of its aircraft, and perhaps also because of the way the unit was transferred from one area of allied air activity to another – moving like a travelling circus, and frequently setting up in tents on improvised airfields. By 1918, Richthofen was regarded as a national hero in Germany, and respected by his enemies.
Richthofen was shot down and killed near Vaux-sur-Somme on April 21st, 1918. There has been considerable discussion and debate regarding aspects of his career, especially the circumstances of his death.
To commemorate the death of the “ace-of-aces”, Corgi has commissioned this special edition 1:48 scale tribute to the man and his machine (AA38308). Due in early July, Corgi’s rendition of the Dridecker bears all the hallmark detail you’ve come to expect from this legendary model maker, including wire rigging, free-spinning propeller, sturdy display stand and even the “Red Baron” himself, seated behind the controls of his fighter, ready to take on his next opponent.