While many naval experts still ponder the role of the People’s Liberation Army Navy Surface Force’s first aircraft carrier, the Liaoning, a rebuilt carrier sold to them by Russia and originally laid down as the Admiral Kuznetsov-class multirole aircraft carrier, Riga, for the Soviet Navy, Globalsecurity.org reports that the PRC’s first home-built carrier, the Type 001A, is nearing completion and will likely undergo testing shortly, a process that typically takes upwards of two years to finish. Like the Liaoning, the as yet unnamed Type 001A will boast a ski-jump forward as its principal means of launching aircraft. Several years ago, China had purchased four different types of catapult launch systems from Russia for evaluation and further testing on its mainland proving grounds, but it appears as if none of these systems are being integrated into the new carrier. Nonetheless, reports have surfaced that indicate their second home-built carrier, the Type 002, which is already underway, will feature an Electromagnetic Aircraft Launch System (EMALS) that is similar to the type employed on the soon-to-be-ready USS Gerald Ford aircraft carrier (CVN-78). Both designs are larger than the Liaoning, and through some clever workarounds, are intended to carry more aircraft, thereby improving their sortie rate. For more information on the Type 001A, click on this link: http://www.globalsecurity.org/wmd/library/news/china/2017/china-170221-pdo01.htm?_m=3n%2e002a%2e1946%2efw0ao07oom%2e1sf9