US Arms Production

Anatomy of War: America, The Arsenal of Democracy

Perhaps because they are located off the beaten trail in Dubois, Wyoming, The National Museum of Military Vehicles has been increasing its awareness by steadily releasing a series of videos discussing US participation in the Second World War. Over the course of the last few weeks, we’ve covered several of their most recent discussions, posting videos that explain the evolution of US tank destroyers and light tanks, as well as a discussion on the development of the M26 Pershing tank. Earlier today the Museum added yet another video — this one detailing the lessons learned from our earliest defeats in both the PTO and ETO and how these translated into the meteoric rise in US arms production during World War II. We hope you get a better understanding of how the US proved to be instrumental in stopping then turning back the Axis powers once our military forces and defense production was ratcheted up to provide badly needed reinforcements across the globe.

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